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       The goddess of the stars; sister of Mayari and Hanan and one of  the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.

      A variation myth of the goddess states that she is the sister of Mayari and Apolaki, excluding Hanan.


Illustrated by Hyejin Gabriel Wong

Designed by Peonah Terese Repelente

Introduction - Audio version

Lost But Never Forgotten

Lost But Never Forgotten - Audio version

    “Twinkle, twinkle little star”, stars that shine amidst the night. The dark sky will look empty without these little shimmering heavenly bodies. Tala, who is the goddess of the stars, is the reason why the dawn is not as dark as you think it is. She’s one of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman along with her sisters Mayari and Hannan, the goddess of the moon and the goddess of morning respectively. Tala is a powerful goddess as she is the one who created the constellations and the formations of stars in the sky. Night time can be frightening, sad, lonely and empty but Tala does not let others feel what she experienced back in the days that she was in vain. People who lose track of their path or journey in the middle of darkness will find  Tala leading and showing them direction and hope by following the stars.

    On the day of birth of these three majestic sisters after the suspenseful birth of Hanan, Tala was the one who first opened her eyes towards the world but second to be born. She witnessed the death of their mortal mother and was able to take a glimpse of the last spark of her eyes. 

   As Tala grew, Bathala thought that she was cursed as he did not seem to notice anything special about her. Everything and everyone Tala meets, always passes away from the world and she always witnesses how they die. Even her  mortal friends die and she witnesses their death, one by one in each month of the year. She feels in vain thinking that she is cursed and ends up losing hope, lonely, lost and sad. During those dark times, she remembers the presence of her mother during her birth, remembering the sparkle of  her mother's eyes. Bathala realizes that everytime Tala sees death, the sky is being filled up with something shiny in the night sky. It is perceived that she is never cursed in the first place, but she is meant to witness every death of the living creatures in the world to be able to lift their souls peacefully as collective sparks to the sky. Her fate may seem  vague but she is able to fulfill the wish of the people who face death which is to be remembered in the world they used to live in. Tala then created the constellation along with the peoples’ death and made their souls stay alive in the night sky being symbolized by these constellations. Bathala, who is shocked but  proud of her daughter realizes that something which is missing in his creation, are the stars. The stars which are the souls of dead people becoming an eye to the world and  protection for the loved ones they leave behind.

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