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     He is known as the Tagalog Patron of Hunters and/or god of the sea. His name is written as Amanikabli or Aman Ikabli in other sources.

       Originally this god was only worshipped as the god of hunters. In more modern stories he has become associated as the husky, ill-tempered god of the sea, replacing Aman Sinaya among first generation gods (aside from Bathala). In some sources Amanikable is referred to as a sea deity of the Manobo Tribe.


       He was said to have never married after his love was spurned by a beautiful mortal maiden, Maganda. In his frustration, Amanikable swore vengeance against all mortal beings. That is the reason why, the old folk say, he sends turbulent waves and horrible tempests every now and then to wreck boats and to drown men.

Illustrated by Peonah Terese Repelente

Designed by Peonah Terese Repelente

Introduction - Audio version

Amanikable’s Beautiful Storm

Amanikable's Beautiful Storm - Audio version

     Under the bright rays of the sun, a yellow boat oscillates from left to right as it treads the sea. Sat quietly inside the boat is Amanikable, the god of the sea, humming with his eyes closed as he summons another wave towards the shore. He counts. 

     One...two.. three…


As the large lump of water dives up into the air and curves on its descent, a shrill scream breaks the symphony of the breeze. Amanikable’s eyes shoot open, and his gaze lands on the sandy shore where a woman, a visibly soaked woman, is glaring at him. 


     Understanding what had occurred, Amanikable snaps his fingers, parts the sea, runs to the shore and walks up to the woman. However, as he is about to utter his apologies, his jaw goes slack midway. 

     Standing in front of the God is a beautiful woman who glows under the sunlight despite the heavy water clinging to her robes and long hair.


     “My lady, forgive me for I had not seen-” he begins, but is cut off by the woman immediately, “I was trying to have a peaceful morning but you just had to victimize me with one of your tricks! I should have never gone here!” the woman shouts angrily.  


     Astounded by her tone and overall lack of regard and respect, Amanikable raises a brow and slowly asks, “Do you know who I am?” 


     The woman scoffs, “Oh I know who you are, Amanikable. Do you know who I am?” 

     Amanikable shakes his head, and the woman draws out a long heavy sigh. “My name is Maganda.” 

     Huh, fitting, Amanikable thinks as he takes in Maganda’s appearance once more.  Amanikable stares into her eyes and begins again, “My apologies Maganda for the trouble I have caused you,” he stops to transform his mouth into a smirk, “allow me to make it up to you.”  




     The following morning, Maganda sits on the sand, but significantly farther away from the edge of the water this time. Amanikable stands in the middle of the sea and sticks his hand under the water. He fumbles for a short moment before he feels his hand grips around something solid. “Maganda! I come bearing a gift!”, he announces, voice booming across the vicinity. 

     Amanikable travels to land, and kneels in front of Maganda. Taking his hands out from behind his back, he grins proudly as he presents a long and fat catfish to Maganda’s face. 

     Opposite to the reaction Amanikable expected, Maganda scrunches her nose up in disgust. “You brought me a fish? You would catch me dead before my hands go anywhere near cleaning fish guts.” 

DAY 2 


     The sun rises again from east and it provides light for Amanikable as he lies on the shore, brows connected and tongue out in concentration as he pieces seashells together to form a necklace. He finishes the string of colorful shells just as Maganda arrives on the beach. 


     “Oh! A necklace?” Maganda gasps in awe, “Well then, what are you waiting for? Put it on, quickly!” 

     Amanikable gets up on his feet and stands behind Maganda, carefully looping the necklace around her neck. “Do you like it?” He asks, beaming. He knows he did a wonderful job. 

     “I love it- it’s so- AH!” Maganda cries in pain in the middle of her sentence. Along the expanse of Maganda’s shoulders crawls a tiny crab that pinched her a few moments earlier. 

     “Seriously?” Maganda deadpans as she rubs the red spot on her neck. Amanikable’s own shoulders droop in dismay. 

DAY 3 

     Amanikable rises early to swim to the depths of the sea. He emerges from the water carrying four large oysters, heavy with pearls inside. 

     He sits down on the sand and sets the oysters in front of him. “Sa iyong pagbukas, biyaya ang lalabas.” Amanikable whispers. And just like that, the oysters crack open to reveal pearls glistening under the light of both the waking sun and retreating moon. 


     Amanikable stores the pearls inside a large shell and closes his eyes as he waits for Maganda to walk the shore. When the faint smell of flowers enters his system, he smiles knowingly. Amanikable plans to court Maganda officially after his last token of apology. 

     Maganda’s eyes bug as she gapes at the orbs in front of her.

     “These are- I don’t know what to say. These are beautiful Amanikable, my lover’s mother would love to wear some of these to the wedding!”

     The world stops.

     The air is sucked out of Amanikable’s lungs.

     Lover? Wedding? 

     Amanikable attempts to collect himself. “L-Lover?”, he stammers. 

     Maganda nods enthusiastically. “I’m set to be wed in two moons.” 

     Bile rises up Amanikable’s throat as he tries to absorb the information. His anger gets the best of him. “Leave.” 

     “What? So suddenly-” 

     “Maganda. Leave.” 

     Behind Amanikable, the clouds begin to darken, and the sky rumbles as one streak of lightning flashes in the direction of the sea. 

     Maganda runs. 

     Amanikable raises one hand and the wind begins to swirl in the middle of the sea. Heavy droplets of rain begin to pour, and streaks of lightning start to dot the expanse of the island. The thunder grows louder and louder as Amanikable steps on the shaky waters. The waves take him to the center of the sea.

     For the three days he spent trying to please Maganda, Amanikable stayed there for three days unleashing waves and brewing storms, releasing hell upon the island and its inhabitants.

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