Aman Sinaya and Amihan

The Tagalog creation myth states that there were three primordial deities namely Aman Sinaya, Bathala and Amihan.
Aman Sinaya is the Tagalog goddess of the sea and protector of fishermen. Bathala is known as the god of the sky, and Amihan, the North Wind, is a genderless deity that is often depicted as a bird in the Philippine mythology.
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"Aman Sinaya" Illustrated by Peonah Terese Repelente
Undying Protector

When the universe was still young, gods and goddesses were in existence. It is believed that these deities were devoted to protect and look after nature like the forest and the seas. One of these deities was Aman Sinaya. In the earliest of time, she was the goddess who protected the sea, especially the fishermen.
Somewhere from a peaceful and beautiful island, Aman Sinaya lived in tranquility- healing nature and finding joy in protecting the sea from any adverse situation. For her, the most important thing was to take care of the sea and the fishermen who benefited from its bounty.
"Amihan" Illustrated by Peonah Terese Repelente
Designed by Peonah Terese Repelente
Introduction - Audio version
Undying Protector - Audio version
One day, a familiar deity named Amihan suddenly appeared and showed interest in Aman Sinaya's precious land and sea. At first, Sinaya decided to be friendly with him. But this deity had a very playful and provoking behavior that he continued to bring forth strong winds towards the goddess. Amidst this, Aman Sinaya asked him kindly to leave the island in peace, but as hard headed as he was, Amihan stubbornly attacked Aman Sinaya. Luckily she was able to make a wave so tall it crashed against the sky and ceased Amihan’s attack. The deity was bewildered and was intimidated by the great powerful wave of Aman Sinaya. Amihan was amazed at the goddess’ tremendous power and gave up. Amihan flew away realizing how Aman Sinaya was so determined to protect her domain with all her powers.
The encounter made Aman Sinaya more vigilant. She was not complacent as she thought another attack would happen in her realm. Thus, she decided to be one with the sea and left her title with another deity who was fond of it as well. People said that as she became one with the sea she was able to provide more fish to the fishermen. The inhabitants who protected the sea would feel her love as she made the sea peaceful and calm. On the other hand her punishment was felt by those who abused their natural resources.

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